Can I Paint A Garage Door? What to Know

Can I Paint A Garage Door? What to Know

Can I Paint A Garage Door? What to Know Can I Paint A Garage Door? What to Know When the door to your garage is opened up and closed back down, the majority of people forget about this area of the home. If you live in a community with a homeowners association, a person might […]

The Ultimate Guide to Garage Door Upkeep: Tips and Tricks for Proper Maintenance

The Ultimate Guide to Garage Door Upkeep: Tips and Tricks for Proper Maintenance

The Ultimate Guide to Garage Door Upkeep: Tips and Tricks for Proper Maintenance The Ultimate Guide to Garage Door Upkeep: Tips and Tricks for Proper Maintenance Introduction: The Importance of Regular Garage Door Upkeep garage door maintenance, garage door care, keeping garage doors in good condition, garage door longevity Here are some practical tips for […]

Choosing a Contemporary Garage Door


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Should You Install an Energy-Efficient Garage Door?


An energy-efficient garage door includes insulation, which can prevent heated or cooled air from escaping your home, potentially reducing your energy bill. An insulated garage door is particularly beneficial for an attached garage and allows you to get more use out of the space. This is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic, when more people […]

Beat the Heat: 6 Garage Cooling Solutions

Garage Door LV-Cooling-Garage-Infographic

  Few people bother to cool their garages. But on 100°F+ days in Las Vegas, the air temperature inside can get so hot the space is practically useless. West facing garages, darker garage door colors, and the heat from a vehicle can exacerbate the problem. But there are ways to beat the heat, especially if […]

Is a Carriage House Garage Door Right for My Home?


Garage doors have evolved throughout the centuries, with the earliest garage doors dating back thousands of years. Carriage house garage doors are considered the original garage door, which featured two separate doors that swing outward from the middle. Because the original carriage-style garage doors had difficulty opening due to being blocked by ice and snow, […]

5 Benefits of a Full View Aluminum Garage Door


There are many garage door options on the market today. If you’re looking to give your home exterior a true modern update, full view aluminum garage doors are the way to go. They provide a whole range of benefits too. Here’s a look at five perks that can make one a worthwhile investment. Boost in […]

Pros and Cons of Different Garage Door Materials

Understanding the positive and negative aspects of each garage door material will provide you with the information necessary to ensure you make a purchase decision that’s based on your needs. Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Garage Door Material Garage doors can be essential to the overall look and feel of your home. You want to […]