How to Winterize Your Garage Door
The winter season is the coldest time of the year when rain and snow are common in different parts of the country. Unfortunately, the garage door can suffer from damage when exposed to the elements. If you want to winterize your garage door to avoid repairs or damage, there are a few crucial steps you’ll want to take as the homeowner.
Upgrade the Weatherstripping
The weatherstripping is a small but significant part of the garage door and is in place to prevent water and pests from coming into the garage. Consider replacing this component, especially if you notice that it’s separated from the garage door or is peeling. A weather seal will also prove to be useful to keep insects, rain, and dirt out of the building. PVC stop molding is considered to be extremely durable and is ideal to use on the sides and the top of the door. Caulking around the garage door on the perimeters of it is also a great way of protecting the door and is an easy DIY project. Garage door seal retainers can also be installed on the edges of the garage door and are easy to replace.
Install a Heater
One of the most effective ways of regulating the temperature in your garage is to install a heater. The product may be an investment but will prevent damage from occurring to items that are stored in the garage and can make it easier to spend time in the space. A heater will also prevent damage from occurring to the garage door when the temperatures drop.
Lubricate the Parts
Lubricating the garage door parts is essential to prevent the springs, rollers, and the track from getting stuck or wearing down once the temperatures drop. Failing to lubricate the parts can often lead to the need for garage installation in Las Vegas. Use a lubricant product that is designed for garage doors. Avoid using products that contain silicone and petroleum or any type of product that is clear. The parts can be lubricated once every year before the winter season arrives.