More Garage Safety Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe


This article will give homeowners garage safety tips that can prevent injuries and even death. From maintenance advice to tips on what not to do in and around your garage, the article presents ways that your garage can be a safer place for your family.

Safer Homes: More Garage Safety Tips That Keep Families Safe

Garage door safety is an important topic that homeowners shouldn’t ignore. Every year, thousands of people are injured due to unsafe behavior involving their home’s garage. That’s why this article will reveal safety tips that can make your family’s garage a much safer place in your home.

Every year, almost 100 children are injured by garage doors every year. Many children receive these injuries as a result of “racing” the doors before they close or attempting to ride them. Make sure you let your children know that the garage is not a playmate. To prevent your children from playing with the garage doors when you’re not home, keep your garage door remote in a safe place.


Malfunctioning garage doors cause over 200 accidents a year. There are a lot of reasons why the door is broken, from faulty garage door springs to problems with the sensor or door opener. When you perform your regular garage maintenance tasks, test all the mechanisms.

When you’re doing maintenance work, your hands can get stuck between the tracks and the rollers if you’re not careful. This can cause serious injuries and even amputation in a few cases.

Never place your hands near the door’s section joints. Over 7,000 people a year suffer from injuries that come as a result from pinching and crushing.

If, during your maintenance checks you see something wrong, call us. We fix garage doors in Las Vegas.

When You Should Leave It to the Pros

Over 300 people get injured because of malfunctioning garage door springs every year. To avoid potential injury, leave repair of your garage door springs to us.

Many people want to save money by fixing their garage doors themselves. While DIY repair is fine for simple maintenance tasks, you can suffer serious injuries if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you absolutely must do garage door repairs yourself, familiarize yourself with your garage door’s manual. However, it’s much better to leave advanced repair work to the pros.

Safety First

Garage safety shields you and your family from serious injuries such as amputation and death. When you regularly perform garage security and maintenance tasks, you’re ensuring that you won’t have to make sudden trips to the emergency room on a regular basis. If you and your family are careful, your garage can be a very safe place.