Garage Safety Tips for Families & Children
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From maintenance advice to tips on what not to do in and around your garage, the article presents ways that your garage can be a safer place for your family. Safer Homes: More Garage Safety Tips That Keep Families Safe Garage door safety is an important topic that homeowners shouldn’t ignore. Every year, thousands of people are injured due to garage door accidents and unsafe behavior involving their home’s garage. That’s why this article will reveal safety tips that can make your family’s garage a much safer place in your home. Every year, almost 100 children are injured by garage doors. Many receive these injuries as a result of “racing” the doors before they close or attempting to ride them. Make sure you let your children know the garage door is not a playmate. It can weigh up to 400 pounds so moving parts, mechanical failure, and broken springs are serious risks. After numerous injuries and deaths involving children and garage doors in the 1980s and 1990s, concerns about child safety lead to the use of photo-eye sensors and other safety features. History of Garage Safety Legislation The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 1990 mandated that automatic residential garage door operators meet specific requirements if manufactured on or after January 1, 1991. The UL325 certification assures consumers that a garage door has been rigorously tested. It also ensures a product meets strict safety requirements. Safety organizations have improved the design and function of garage doors. Garage door manufacturers are required to adhere to their guidelines, and for good reason. There have been hardly any serious injuries or deaths involving UL325-compliant garage door equipment, so the safety standards have been very effective. But even with entrapment-protection technology and other safety features, as well as the latest smart technology, child safety is always a concern. Accidents Malfunctioning garage doors cause over 200 accidents a year. There are a lot of reasons why the door is broken, from faulty garage door springs to problems with the sensor or door opener. When you perform your regular garage maintenance tasks, test all the mechanisms. When you’re doing maintenance work, your hands can get stuck between the tracks and the rollers if you’re not careful. This can cause serious injuries and even amputation in a few cases. Never place your hands near the door’s section joints. Over 7,000 people a year suffer from injuries that come as a result from pinching and crushing. If, during your maintenance checks you see something wrong, call us. We fix garage doors in Las Vegas. When You Should Leave It to the Pros Over 300 people get injured because of malfunctioning or broken garage door springs every year. To avoid potential injury, leave garage door spring repair to us. Our technicians have the expertise, training, and tools to safely complete garage door maintenance and repair. Regular maintenance will keep your garage safe, and can prevent the headaches and potential harm that can be caused by a broken garage door. Many people want to save money by fixing their garage doors themselves. While DIY repair is fine for simple maintenance tasks, you can suffer serious injuries if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you absolutely must do garage door repairs yourself, familiarize yourself with your garage door’s manual. However, it’s much better to leave advanced repair work to the pros. Safety First Garage door safety shields you and your family from serious injuries such as broken bones, spinal injuries, amputation and death. When you regularly perform garage security and maintenance tasks, you’re ensuring that you won’t have to make sudden trips to the emergency room on a regular basis. If you do perform any maintenance tasks on your own, always follow the steps in the garage door manual. Being careful can make your garage a very safe place for you and your family. But while adults can be trusted to safely operate a garage door opener and check springs, tracks, and safety sensors for problems, it’s a different story for kids. Children don’t know better and must be taught safety around the house. This includes teaching them it’s unsafe to mess around with a garage door. Garage Safety Tips for Kids Children should be taught from a young age that garage doors are dangerous and are not toys. Simply saying, “Stay away from the garage door,” may only increase their curiosity, so it is important to: Show them how it works: Walk through the entire system and explain what different parts do, including the safety systems and springs, which hold up a door weighing up to hundreds of pounds. Ensure they understand any extra amount of weight can result in a falling garage door, which can severely hurt someone. Point out the most dangerous areas: These include the spring system (tell children to never touch springs and alert you immediately if one looks broken). Also explain that lifting cables are under high pressure and that the photo sensors are to protect them and not to be played with. Keep the remote out of reach:
7 Tips for National Garage Door Safety Month
June has been declared National Garage Door Safety Month. As the largest moving object in your home, it’s important that your garage door is properly maintained and inspected to keep it operating safely. Garage doors can weigh up to 600 lbs and can be a real safety hazard if they fall into disrepair. When you factor in how frequently the garage door is used on a weekly basis, the chances that an injury can occur when components aren’t functioning properly increases with each passing year. Every year, hospitals see a significant number of patients with serious injuries caused by garage doors and there have even been deaths reported due to garage door accidents. With that in mind, here are seven safety tips to help prevent garage door accidents. 7 Tips for National Garage Door Safety Month The summer months bring more pleasurable weather, which means more activity and traffic coming in and out of your household. From sporting equipment to gardening supplies, homeowners and their families naturally use their garage doors more frequently in the summertime. With your garage door working overtime it is even more important that you make sure every part of your garage door is in good working condition. Here is a helpful list of maintenance tips and add-ons that can make your garage door safer and more efficient. Check Your Electric Eye or Auto-Reverse – Since 1993, all garage doors openers are required to have an external entrapment protection system which consists of an electric eye sensor that detects if anything is in the path of a closing garage door. If the eye detects an object, the garage door reverses to its original position. Older garage doors also had an auto-reverse feature but the door only reacted once it made contact with an object.To test your electric eye, simply place an object under the door and try to close it. If your eye is working, your garage door should not move or reverse immediately. If your garage only has an auto-reverse from contact, test it by placing a roll of paper towels on the ground under the door and make sure the door reverses upon making contact with the paper towels. If either feature fails, contact a garage door repair company immediately. Teach Your Children Well (About Garage Doors) – It’s very important that your children understand that your garage door or garage door opener is not a toy. Let’s face it, kids love pushing buttons especially if it controls an object. Consider replacing your old garage door opener with a key chain version that you can keep away from children. Or if you want to get really hi-tech, purchase a new opener with a smartphone app that controls your door.Also, teach your kids to stay far away from the garage door when it is opening or closing. A lot of injuries occur when kids are trying to ‘ride’ the garage door as it opens. Many times children will get their fingers caught between the door panels as the door is opening or closing. It’s a good idea to mount the garage door opener control out of reach of small children. Make sure the manual release rope is set at a height that kids can’t reach also. Install My Q® Enabled Products – Keyless entry and MyQ enabled garage door accessories can not only make your home more impenetrable structure but come with additional safety features that can offer peace of mind. With MyQ Technology you can monitor everyone that comes in and out of your garage and also control the garage door from your smartphone or mobile device. Both Liftmaster and Chamberlain offer remote access technologies that are easy to install with the help of a professional garage door technician. Replace Old Garage Door Springs – Garage door springs do a lot of the heavy lifting. The safety of your garage door depends heavily on the quality and condition of your garage door springs. If springs become worn out it can put you and your family in significant danger. It is recommended that if you have two garage door springs, even if one seems like it is in decent condition, that you replace both at the same time to guarantee continuity. Check Your Garage Door Cables – Garage door cables are another important component to the overall functionality of your garage door and garage door opener. Once cables become frayed, they run the risk of snapping and breaking. These cables need to be replaced by a trained garage door installation technician, as the high spring tension can be dangerous for do-it-yourselfers to fix on their own. To check to see if you need to replace your garage door cables, you CAN do a visual inspection. If you see any signs of frayed or worn cables, it is time to call your local garage door repair company to get them replaced. Check for Rusted or Sharp Edges – This seems like a logical anomaly to be on the lookout for, but surprisingly is overlooked by most homeowners. Garage doors are not only heavy, but can take on significant damage during the winter months. Some edges may rust for weather or be bent from overuse. While injuries stemming from rusted or sharp edges are minor, it still could be dangerous for children who get nicked when coming in and out of the garage. Let The Pro’s Handle Repairs – Garage door springs and cables are under a high amount of tension and can become a source of injury if not handled properly. While you may save little money making your own garage door repairs, it’s not really worth the risk to your personal health. Garage door technicians are equipped with special tools that keep them safe when doing garage door repairs and have been trained to deal with high-tension springs. Call The Professionals at Precision Garage Door Las Vegas Precision Garage Door Las Vegas is taking steps to follow CDC guidelines to the exact letter in regards
What You Need to Do If You Accidentally Get Locked Out of Your Garage
Have you ever found yourself standing there in frustration because you can’t seem to get your garage door to open from either the inside or outside? While it isn’t that common, people have been known to get locked out of their garage. If you cannot get into the garage because the door opener is not receiving the signal, is shut off, or has been locked, you can use these strategies to regain access to your door. What to Do If You’re Locked Out of Your Garage If you are repeatedly pressing the button of your garage door remote and nothing is happening, you could be accidentally locked out of the garage. The door opener will not activate if the door is locked, the radio signal is jammed or other reasons. If you cannot manually release the door from inside or if the opener has a mechanical or electrical problem, it is always best to promptly contact an experienced technician to service the garage door opener Las Vegas. Try the Manual Release: When your garage door will not open by using its remote control, try the manual release. It is possible that a power outage has occurred and prevented the electric opener from opening the door. This can be accomplished from both the inside and outside of your garage. Most garage door openers have a manual release device that can be accessed from inside of your garage. Older door styles may have an exterior handle at the bottom or on the face of the door that triggers a manual release. How to Use the Manual Release on Your Garage Door Opener From the Inside – First things first, unlock the door: On the outside of the garage door, unlock and open any latches, switches, or locks that may interfere with you manually releasing the garage door opener. Make sure the garage door is fully in the down/closed position: To avoid injury and to ensure that you don’t damage the garage door when you go to manually open it, make sure the garage door is fully closed. Disconnect power from the garage door opener: Unplug the garage door opener or remove the battery from the garage door opener so you can successfully open it manually. Locate the red emergency release cord: Usually easy to spot, the red emergency release cord typically hangs from the center track or railing. Please note that you should only use this method if the garage door is fully closed. Time to pull the emergency cord: In a downward motion, pull down on the emergency release handle. This will disconnect the garage door from the trolley and garage door opener and enable you to open your garage door manually. Now try to open your garage door: Without using too much force, try to pull straight up from the bottom of the garage door until the door goes all the way up and stops moving. Triple check that the garage door is securely in place before attempting to back your car out of your garage or walk underneath it. Move the garage door back to the closed position: Now that you’ve managed to safely escape your garage, you’ll want to close it and use the manual slide lock to secure it until you find a more permanent solution. Get a Wi-Fi Enabled Opener Is there an easier way than having to go through the step-by-step hassle of manually opening your garage door? Sure there is! Both Chamberlin and LiftMaster offer garage door openers that do have a battery backup system, but not all models have this feature. If you are in an area that is prone to blackouts, it may be a good idea for you to invest in a garage door opener that has a battery backup system. In some cases, the radio frequency system of a garage door opener may stop working. If this is a problem for you, consider a new garage door opener system that works with a Wi-Fi enabled door. This type of a door opening system can be controlled with an app on your smartphone or tablet. You can also use it to monitor or disable the use of your door when you are away from home. This can prove to be especially handy to secure your home when you’re out of town, or to allow access to your garage to maintenance people, delivery personnel, or your family. Lock Repairs and Replacements: When you lock the garage door manually, the door’s opener will not work. If you cannot access the garage because you used the manual lock for the garage door, a locksmith may be able to replace or repair it for you. A locksmith could also provide you with a replacement key if you lost or broke any of the keys to your garage. A professional garage door technician will be able to safely reconnect your garage door opener and repair any part of our garage door system if it became damaged when you were attempting to manually open it. One thing to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t try to forcibly pry your garage door open or closed. It could cause further damage to the more delicate components of your garage door opener, garage door springs, and motor. If you think your garage door and garage door opening system may need to be updated or replaced because it is frequently jamming or malfunctioning, always be sure to hire a trusted garage door installation company. They will be able to advise you or your options and pair you with the most efficient and functional garage door for your home’s design and the needs of your family. Call The Professionals at Precision Garage Door Las Vegas Precision Garage Door Las Vegas is taking steps to follow CDC guidelines to the exact letter in regards to COVID-19. We are enacting added safety precautions to ensure our customers and their home environments are left undisturbed. This includes outfitting our garage door technicians