What Types of Cables Your Garage Door Has and How They Are Used
Understanding the Types and Functions of Garage Door Cables Garage door use cables and springs in order to lift and lower the door. The cables reduce the stress on springs, helping the entire mechanism to last longer and move the door more smoothly. If your garage door’s cables malfunction or wear out, it is important to arrange for a prompt garage door repair in Henderson from an experienced technician who is familiar with cable replacement. Tension Cables The tension cables are situated at the upper right and left sides of a garage door. They are paired with a tension wire that runs all the way to the bottom of the garage door, fitting along its track. If the tension wire detects slack, the garage door opener will not engage. If the tension cables are too loose, the door will slam at the bottom. If they are too tight, the door will not close all the way. Emergency Release Cable Garage doors are also outfitted with an emergency release cable. This cable allows you to take the garage door off of its chain or bolt and open or close it. You might need to do this if the door gets stuck while the motor is opening or closing it. If the electricity goes out, the emergency release cable allows you to open or shut the garage door manually. Signs that Tension or Emergency Release Cables Need Replacement A cable may need replacement if its outer coating becomes worn or frayed. The cables should also be replaced if you notice that the garage door is jerky when it opens or closes. If the door slams to the ground or does not shut all the way, this suggests the need for cable replacement. If the cable snaps, do not try to do anything with the garage door, because the springs are under tension.
Reasons Why Your Garage Door Is Acting Funny and How to Stop It
Why Your Garage Door Has a Mind of Its Own If it seems like your garage door has a mind of its own, there could be many logical reasons for what is going on. Garage doors operate properly most of the time, but electrical, mechanical or remote interference could be causing the issues. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to arrange for a prompt Las Vegas garage door repair to solve the issue. Improper Cable Tension If the cables of a garage door are too slack, the garage door might slam to the ground once it reaches the halfway closed point. If the cables are too tight, the door might not go all the way to the garage floor. If one cable is tighter than the other one is, the door might shake or jerk as it moves, or it might get jammed. Laser Safety Eye Issues If the laser safety eye detects a break in the beam, it will not allow the garage door to open or close. It could also do this if the eye is dirty from dust or cobwebs, even though there is no object or person in the way of the door. If the laser eye becomes out of alignment, it could also prevent the door from opening or closing. Radio Frequency Interference With the Opener Items in your house that operate on a radio frequency could interfere with the functionality of your garage door opener. Baby monitors, cordless phone handsets, and speakers are just a few of the items that could interfere with the operations of the garage door’s opener. If your opener is older, it could be getting interference from a nearby neighbor’s opener or items in the neighbor’s house.
Ideas for Making Your Garage Door “Green”
How to Make Your Garage Door More Environmentally Friendly The garage door is used multiple times throughout the week and can allow cold or hot air into the building. Most homeowners are always looking for new ways to reduce their energy usage and save more money. If you want to make your garage door more energy efficient, there are a few essential tips to follow. Add Insulation Insulating your garage door is one of the most effective ways of controlling your energy usage by installing a door that has insulation with an R-value of 13 to 17.5 percent. You’ll also want to maintain the garage door to ensure that it can open and close quickly to limit the amount of cold or hot air that escapes the garage. You may also want to seal the garage door and check for any leaks that are present and install weather stripping around the garage doorframe. You can also consider installing a new garage door in Las Vegas if your current one doesn’t include insulation. Upgrade the Garage Windows Upgrade the garage windows to limit the amount of air transfer that takes place with energy efficient windows that are installed. The windows may be an investment but can allow you to save more money over time with the amount of energy that is conserved. You can also consider switching to storm windows for a durable option that will prove to be effective in extreme weather conditions. Installing Energy Star windows inside of the garage will also reduce drafts with double pane windows that are purchased. Install Aluminum Capping Many homeowners choose to use aluminum capping around wooden doorframes on the garage door to limit the number of drafts that are present. Aluminum sheeting will allow you to save more money and can also increase the visual appeal of the exterior of the garage door by creating a finished look. Aluminum capping is also useful for eliminating future maintenance that is needed on the wooden garage doorframe.
Signs That Your Garage Door Is Unbalanced
Determining If Your Garage Door Is Unbalanced One of the most common issues that occur with garage doors on residential properties is that the product becomes unbalanced. Over time, the weight can shift, which can lead to many different issues and excess wear on the parts. If you want to determine if the garage door is unbalanced, there are a few signs to look for as a homeowner. The Door Looks Crooked You may notice that your garage door looks crooked when it opens and closes. You may realize that one part of the garage door seems higher than the other when the product is at rest and that it looks lopsided. Garage doors that are lopsided occur due to a torsion spring that has failed and needs Henderson garage repair with the help of a professional. It Falls Quickly Unbalanced garage doors are known for falling quickly when they’re in the manual mode due to too much weight that is placed on one side of the door. A garage door that doesn’t stay put when it’s opened halfway can be a safety risk and means that repairs are needed. It may also not stay open when it’s in the manual mode or it begins to open after it’s closed. You may also have to strain and use your physical strength to open your garage door due to aging springs that have become unbalanced. The garage door motor may not be able to lift the weight any longer, which will require you to lift it on your own. Unusual Sounds You may notice unusual sounds or noises from your garage door when it opens or closes each day. Garage doors can begin to squeak or make shaking noises if they’re out of alignment because they start to work too hard when they’re used. If the issue is unaddressed, permanent damage to the mechanism can begin to occur.
Protecting Your Garage Door From the Elements
How to Protect Your Garage Door from the Elements The garage door is one-third of your house and should be maintained well like the other features of the building. Over time, the door can begin to wear down and deteriorate due to exposure to environmental elements. If you want to protect the parts and materials, there are a few necessary steps to take as a homeowner. Lubricate the Parts The internal parts of your garage door can develop rust and deteriorate on humid days, making it essential to keep the rollers and track lubricated. You’ll want to grease the parts monthly to keep everything running smoothly and avoid damage that can occur. Replacing the weatherstripping will also prevent leaves, grime, and debris from entering the garage each day. Look for weatherstripping that is cracked or is falling apart and hire a professional who performs garage repair in Las Vegas to replace the material. Install Insulation Insulation is an important part of any building, including your home’s garage. You’ll need to add insulation to prevent direct sunlight from having a harmful impact on your garage door and increasing the temperature of the interior setting. You may also want to use covers on the sensors to ensure that they continue to work well and aren’t damaged by direct sunlight in the spring and summer seasons. Install a Surge Protector During storms or inclement weather, garage doors can often lose their power if it’s exposed to water. You’ll want to install a surge protector to ensure that everything continues to work well. A surge protector will offer peace of mind and will allow the safety reversing sensors, AC power line, and garage door control panel to operate well and will reduce the risk of damage. Investing in a surge protector can allow you to avoid having to replace the main parts of the garage when there’s a storm.
Functions of a Garage Door Spring and When They Need Replacement
What Garage Door Springs Do and Why They Are Important Garage door springs are tightly coiled pieces of stainless steel that are under a great deal of pressure when contracted and relaxed when loose. The springs are responsible for reducing the weight load of the door, allowing it to more easily be closed by a motorized opener or by hand. If the springs show signs of wear and tear, it is important to arrange for a prompt garage door spring repair performed by an experienced garage door repair technician. Extension Springs Extension springs grow in length as a garage door is lowered to the floor of the garage. They contract when the garage door is fully opened. This type of a spring experiences a lot of stress on the metal. They also undergo a lot of wear and tear. These springs may need to be replaced every couple of years due to the stress on the metal. Torsion Springs Torsion springs have several functions. They balance the garage door as it opens and closes. The springs also provide the necessary force for the raising and lowering of the garage door. The lifting and lowering is performed by several cables, so torsion springs experience less force and less wear and tear. This type of a spring may only need to be replaced every eight to ten years. When to Replace Garage Door Springs The springs should be replaced if any of the parts become rusted or corroded. If the garage door is not lifting or lowering evenly, this is also a sign that the springs need to be replaced. It is a good idea to have both springs replaced at the same time. This is because uneven wear and tear could put additional stress on the opener, causing it to wear out faster than would be expected.
What to Look for in a Garage Door Installation Technician [Infographic]
If you’ve chosen a new garage door, you’ll next want to find a technician to install it to make sure it’s done properly. A garage door is a big investment, so it’s important that you choose a technician that’s trustworthy and reputable. Here are some factors to look for when you choose.
Install a New Garage Door to Eliminate Security Risks
A Dented or Damaged Garage Door Creates Safety Hazards The front door to your home provides the first line of safety. Unauthorized visitors can’t exactly walk into your living room when faced with locked a solid steel door. Garage doors, like any other type of door, also present a level of security. Homeowners might not prioritize installing a new garage door when the old home suffers damage. Homeowners who value security, however, should request a new garage door right away. A Broken Garage Door Means Opportunity for a Burglar A car that crashes completely through a garage door and leaves a 5×5 hole obviously created a huge portal for someone to enter through. You have a clear emergency on your hands when this breach in garage door safety. Don’t assume, however, a major dent at the bottom of the garage door presents little of concern. The hole in the now imperfect door could be pried into a bigger one by someone with a crowbar. Burglars and other criminals don’t exactly like to pass up opportunities. A damaged garage door does present an opportunity. Not All Intruders Are Human Would-be burglars might not choose to try their luck with a damaged garage door. Various critters and creatures lurking around your home at night may not be willing to pass up a good thing. The inside of a garage could provide shelter to possums, raccoons, and even rats. Getting through a dent-created hole at the bottom of your garage door may be a lot easier for these creatures than you think. Once they are inside the garage, removing them might be costly. And this is to say nothing of the dangers these wild animals present. Stop the Danger Right Away Dents, holes, and imperfections at the base of a garage door present risks and hazards on day one. Therefore, you need to get a new garage door in place right away. A garage installation in Las Vegas shouldn’t take forever. The right company could even deliver an emergency response. Someone could head out to your home, assess the damage, recommended repair or replacement, and then start moving on doing the work as quickly as possible. Once the job is done, hopefully, you won’t be as stressed about safety anymore.
Safety in the Garage
Simple Tips for Making a Garage Safer Garages have the potential for being dangerous for many different reasons. Substances commonly stored are often flammable and could cause a fire. Tools and sharp implements may cause injury if not stored properly. The number of items stored in the space can also pose a problem. Garage doors have been implicated in many accidents. However, with a few tips, garages serve their purpose without having a potential for harm. Organization A lack of organization remains one of the leading causes that contribute to garage injuries. Items stored improperly have the chance to fall. Clutter leads to tripping and falling. Consider installing cabinets, hooks, racks or shelves to secure items. Stackable containers protect items that might be used infrequently along with clearing floor space. Frequently used implements and tools should be positioned within reach. Other items can be placed overhead out of the way. Keep flammable or toxic items out of the reach of children, heated areas or open flames. Garage Doors Modern automatic garage doors have become safer. However, accidents have also been known to occur. Children, in particular, are common victims. Garage door opener controls should never be in the reach of children. Little ones should also never be allowed to play with the controls. Caution youngsters about putting their fingers between the door panels. Make sure you know the method needed to engage the emergency release if needed. Take the time to inspect the cables, pulleys, rollers, and springs of your garage doors in Las Vegas at least once each month for signs of deterioration. Test the reversing mechanism from time to time by putting an item in the door’s path. If the door does not reverse, call a repair service. Fire Hazards House fires often begin in garages. Gasoline, greasy rags, paint thinner, sawdust, and wood are commonly stored items that ignite when fumes or particles come in contact with space or water heaters or other appliances. Fires need fuel, heat, and oxygen. If using the garage as a workshop. Promptly clean the debris afterward. Store combustible liquids in tight-sealing containers far from heat sources. Dispose of greasy rags or paper products. Keep a fire extinguisher handy and within reach. Install a smoke alarm.