The Pros of Having a Garage

The pros of having a garage are numerous. Living in Las Vegas, I’m sure you know how it is to step out of your house on a 90+ degree day, just to go start your car. And if you have leather…forget about it! After running the engine for five minutes or so, the car is usually cool enough for you to stomach getting into, let alone driving to your destination. For those of you that maintain your car on a do it yourself basis, you probably know what the inconvenience of working on it outside is like, especially when you have to slide under it and you get burnt due to the hot sidewalk. A garage can change all that as well as provide you with the following benefits: The Storage Potential A garage opens up an enormous amount of additional storage space. If you own it; you can store it. Besides storing the obvious (your car) a garage provides ample space for storing landscaping equipment, tools, bikes, annual decorations and everything in between. When you run out of floor space, make sure to look up at the walls and ceiling for more storage space. The Property Value Adding a garage is a reasonably good investment according to remodeling magazine’s 2015 “Cost vs. Value Report.” If you invest $52,382, which is the national average, on this addition you can expect to recoup 64.8 percent or $33,938 of your investment at resale – or refinance. Already have a garage that you want to replace the door on? Midrange garage door replacements, which on average cost $1,595, can net you 88.4 percent or $1,410 of your initial investment at time of resale. This a 5.9 percent higher rate than an upgrade garage door replacement. Whichever of the three options you choose, you can feel confident knowing that you’re making a good decision, economically speaking. The Potential Who said a garage had to be boring? Garages are like a blank canvas. Their usability options are endless. With the space they provide you can turn them into workshops, gyms, home offices, day cares and the list goes on. Want to liven them up? Try painting the walls a cheerful color. And don’t forget the floors. Many options for garage flooring exist today including epoxy flooring.